Since I didn't start this blog at the beginning of the year as I intended, I thought that I would try to catch my blog up with a short version of what we have been doing. Since I have 3 kids in 3 different grades (1st, 4th and 8th), there is a lot going on at many different levels. We try to combine areas that we can such as History, Science and Literature. In History we have been studying New World Explorers. Here is a picture of the project we did when studying Coronado:

FJ has a pretty full course load this year with Pre-algebra, History, Science, Logic, Greek (level 3), Literature, Writing, US Government, Religion, Art, Music, Typing and Horseback Riding (yes, this counts for PE). Her favorite this year is Literature. She really loves to read.
JC has been working hard on Religion, Grammar, Spelling, Reading/Literature, History, Science, Math, Writing, Art, Music and PE. His favorite is Science.
JP follows pretty much the same schedule as JC, but on a smaller scale. The main goal right now is getting JP to read and he is doing a great job.
In addition to our schooling at home, we had our co-op classes this Fall. The boys took PE, science and Colonial America classes and Felicia had Drama, Southern Hospitality and a communication class.
One thing that I did find is that I need to take more pictures of the kids doing their work, as I don't have any others to post to this blog right now. I will try to remember to take pictures daily, so that we have more to share.